
  • Orders are processed & shipped within 3-5 business days. (For any MAJOR sales hosted, we do include an additional 1-2 business days in our processing time.)
  • You will receive an order confirmation email once your order has been processed in the warehouse & a second email confirming shipment once your order has been fulfilled!
  • If you are experiencing an unusual delay, please reach out to our customer service at
    • Please include your name, order number, & a detailed message so that our team can assist you as quickly as possible.


  • We are unable to modify/cancel an order after checkout.
  • If you are experiencing an issue with your order, please contact us at and we will do our best to help you.
    • This includes inquiries regarding missing items, duplicate items received, and/or questions about a refund notification.
  • Please refer to our return policy if you are inquiring about a return/exchange.
    • This includes any inquiries regarding a damaged or defective item.

The Sister’s Boutique is not responsible for:

  • Items delayed by USPS
  • Lost, stolen, or marked delivered & missing packages
  • If you are experiencing any issues caused by USPS, we recommend starting a claim. You can start a claim on their website or via phone at 1-800-275-8777

We try to get back to you as quickly as possible, but we ask that you allow up to 24 business hours for our customer service to respond!